Couple of Questions if anyone can help?

Macca_McGillMacca_McGill Member, PRO Posts: 108
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello again guys,
Ive got a couple of questions i hope someone can help me with. Firstly, in my game i have an actor bouncing around the scene, when its touched its destroyed and you get points. But, i cant figure out how to check that if the user touches the screen and its not hitting the actor, then they would lose a life. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Second question may make me sound like a bit of a n00b but when you build your app through xcode viewer, where is the .app file placed? And can you simply drag the file onto itunes and sync to your app, rather than running it through the gamesalad viewer on the phone?

Sorry for the long post haha.


  • jobonoobdudejobonoobdude Member Posts: 152
    1. In your rule for the box you probably have touch is pressed. Change it to touch inside, then create a new rule If touch is outside(the actor) then change attribute game.score to -10 or whatever.

    2. I have no idea :)

    Hope this helps!
  • Macca_McGillMacca_McGill Member, PRO Posts: 108
    Ok thank you :) Ill give the first suggestion a try and let you know how i get on :)
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    You need to have a blank actor covering the background area and have when touch is pressed>remove one life. And put the moving actors on a layer on top of that, and have them destroyed when tapped and give points, etc...
  • micksolomicksolo Member Posts: 264
    SlickZero, problem with that is that I think the background actor would still receive the touch, even if the actor above it was pressed. Jobonoobdude's suggestion is probably the right way.
  • Macca_McGillMacca_McGill Member, PRO Posts: 108
    thanks for the replies guys :)
    jobonoobdude's way works perfectly so thank you. Does no-one know where the app file is stored then when its built through xcode viewer?
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