make a attribute (decimaltimer) in game (game.decimaltimer), this must be a real attribute. make a timer: every 0.01 seconds change attribute game.decimaltimer to game.decimaltimer+0.01
it doesn't work, can you give me some more information? i have made the attribute and the actor and the display text behaviour. Also I have the timer: every 1 second. change attribute .... to ....+1. The .... are the real attribute
yeah and then in the display text behaviour: game.(... (you're real attribute)) and you must have that actor on the screen and voila? don't see what's the problem?
you may send the projectfile to woplanet(at)gmail(dot)com and will look at it (only over about an half hour i'm going to bed so you must be fast or i will look at it tomorrow;)
could you make a project file with the timer in it and then put it on mediafire or dropbox (or any other sharing site) please? Then i could copy everything i need. Thanks for all your help so far
sorry for being late ;( i don't mind if you send the timer to me tomorrow (22nd june) my email is thats my youtube channel email, which is crap.... thank you for all the help and making the timer. have you tested that the timer works???
make a timer:
every 0.01 seconds change attribute game.decimaltimer to game.decimaltimer+0.01
display text: game.decimaltimer
change attribute to attribute+0.1
not +1
if you want it to add every 1 seconds then every 1 second change attribute to attirubte +0.1
you have to make it a decimal for it to be a deciaml
as long as its a real attriubte add your adding 0.1 it WILL work
i'm going to make a timer right now:P
my email is
thats my youtube channel email, which is crap....
thank you for all the help and making the timer.
have you tested that the timer works???
going to bed now;P
good luck!
i have been trying for ages to try and make that work but it never has
don't know if it works, didn't try myself but just searched for "high score gamesalad" on youtube...