How Long Do Reviews Take After Your App Has Been Rejected?
Hey guys,
So unfortunately the latest app I sent to Apple got rejected
I fixed the issues they mentioned and resubmitted my app. I was just wondering how long it usually takes them to review apps they previously rejected. From what I understand, it takes them a longer, so I just wanted to see if any of you had a more specific time frame. Thanks.
- Alex
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So unfortunately the latest app I sent to Apple got rejected

- Alex
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If you actually have to submit a binary again. it will take the same 6-8 days it takes from when you submit a new app.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the response. Ya, I had to submit a whole new binary because I used the Game Center images in GameSalad's template. So, I made some custom ones and put those in instead. Hopefully they will review it quickly.
- Alex
Not sure if that's typical or not though.
Then I sent the new binary but forgot to make the changes in the screenshots of the game and got rejected again. it took 6 days for them to review my new binary and to notify me that I had to change my screenshots and about 24 hours to approve it after I changed the screenshots.
- Alex
My first game got rejected and I resubmitted it within about 4 hours (with the fixes) of the reject and it was approved 4 hours later after replying to the email.
Edit: When I reread the email, it strictly says, "Do not reply to this email". To be clear, I am talking about the email from the iTunes Store that tells me to go the the Resolution Center to reply. Are you talking about a different email?
- Alex
I just looked and I replied directly to the email I got. (pasted below) but it doesn't say anything about not replying.
Is this what your rejection email looked like.
Please include the line below in follow-up emails for this request.
Follow-up: ------------
Hello Aaron,
Thank you for submitting Galactic.Towers to the App Store.
We’ve completed the review of your app, however, we cannot post this version to the App Store because it does not achieve the core functionality described in your marketing materials or release notes, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines <>:
2.3 Apps that do not perform as advertised by the developer will be rejected
We have included the following details to help explain the issue and hope you’ll consider revising and resubmitting your application.
When the user taps PLAY or INSTRUCTIONS, a shooting effect occurs, but the user can never actually access the instructions or play the game. The app just make a shooting effect and remains on the main menu screen. A screenshot is attached for your reference. This review was conducted on iPhone 4 running iOS 4.2.1.
If you have any questions about this response, or would like to discuss it further, please feel free to reply to this email. If you would like to appeal this review, please submit a request to the App Review Board at <>.
We look forward to reviewing your revised app.
Best Regards,
iOS App Review Team
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- Alex