The New Forum Text...
Umm...way to go I have to highlight the posts in order to read them! Seriously, gray text with a light purple background? You think this is a good combination?
Please change the text color of the posts back to black. It was so much easier to read.
Please change the text color of the posts back to black. It was so much easier to read.
Nice to look at something new though.
to be honest, the new forum text took me by surprise, too. We're looking to get it fixed later today.
I was just gonna say that myself
So let's give em a hand!
Find all spots where "color" is mentioned (in your .css file) and replace it with "black;" (or #000;)
Q: How many programers does it take to change a light bulb?
just so that the "sense of humour deprived" don't miss the sarcasm ... come to think of it ... who cares?