html5 Game being Optimized for more than an Hour
I uPloaded ePig dash to GameSalad Arcade, and it has been being optimized for more than an hour... is this normal?
I uploaded one of my apps aswell and it havent got on the arcade yet, but I uploaded a second app and that got on arcade in about 5 secs, so I guess its a bit random atm.
Whats going on Yoda?
I see someone else got things working a bit. The threads have been oddly quiet about this. I wonder what's going on. Anyone with any ideas?
I emailed tech support a few minutes ago. I'll let you know what the response is.
Cheers, Weswog
@mshannon... Thanks for the information.
For me, it shows the initial splash ... a loading "Loading" screen ... The "Next" button appears. All sound effects are playing. When I hit the next button it makes the noise, changes the sounds,etc. I HEAR the next scene taking place (a series of clicks as each menu item appears) but the image never changes.
mshannon says a patch is coming out ... I don't know if I missed a response of from GameSalad people but I think one is in order. (Perhaps this is why the customer service position must be in Texas. ((The only business any business is in is the "customer service" business)) I am starting to get frustrated.)
We've found the bug, fixed it, verified it with QA, and it's being pushed to the servers in the next few minutes.
At this time, it's still unclear whether games with this issue will clear themselves or need to be resubmitted. I should have an update on that in the next couple of hours, once the fix has been properly implemented on all our servers.
Thank you, everyone, for your patience.
Will games generally play bad on their first few plays? I uploaded Line Ar(X) and it played like an old dog the first time, but now, after a few plays it seems sooo much better. This is in Safari, Firefox doesnt play as well at all ... even with a few plays behind it! Another problem with Firefox is some of the graphics, like the writing for example, on the menu buttons look terrible!