GameSalad iPhone Viewer
I have followed the instructions but can't seem to get the GS Viewer working - can someone give me (and many other users) idiot instructions on how to get this onto my iphone, etc please so I can test my GS Game(s).
Did you go through and do the provisioning profile?
You'll need to tell us the steps you've taken so far and where you're at in the process. I don't even know where to start with advice for ya bud.
is it just an app on the appstore?
open the xcode project (in xcode^^) click on build and run (or something like that (left upper corner) then connect with gamesalad...
Update: I got the Viewer on the iPhone and iPad but it just hangs searching when run. Although I did see a message somewhere stating that I needed to upgrade the viewer - any idea where this is? I can't find it on the GS site anywhere
And to clear things up so other people dont get confused. you NEED a developer acount to use the viewer, not just the $4 xcode. And you dont just hit build and run. You need to change the info.plist and the code signign idenetitiy with your provisong profile . Just wanted to clear that up so no one gets confused
Thanks for all your help.