Waypoints example or video
IM looking for a cookbook video or something that will show me the process of setting up a actor to go from point a to point b to point c back to point a. SOmething along those lines. I know its interpolating. but i cant find a video in that regard.
Just create 6 real attributes
Create Actors A,B, & C & place them as you wish
In actor A change attribute AX to self position x & AY to self position y. Same with B&C
Go in your player actor & say interpolate self.position.x & y to AX&AY
When self.position.X = AX
When Self.position.Y = AY
Interpolate self.position.x to BX&BY
When self.position.X = BX
When Self.position.Y = BY
interpolate self.position.x to CX&CY
When self.position.X = CX
When Self.position.Y = CY
interpolate self position x to AX & AY
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If it's the first then just use a simple interpolate to X1 and Y1 when self.possitionX =X1 and self.possitionY =Y1 interpolate self.positionX and self.possitionY to X2 Y2..... so on so on
My info may be useless and if so type in "waypoints" into the GS creator. Two very nice user input waypoint examples there
As for a video... couldn't find any