Oversight needed for the GameSalad Arcade
So I really thing GameSalad needs to look into some sort of oversight of the Arcade system.
I think its going to be worse than the app store real quick.
I just played several things at the top of the list and some don't function right one has blatant copyright issues. http://gamesalad.com/game/28338
The information submitted has not been filled out at all.
I think if GameSalad doesn't act fast they will see the arcade turn into something no one will ever go to when looking to play an online Game.
Heres some other examples of things that should not be listed there IMO. They add zero value to the arcade and really make it a less desirable place to go wen looking for some time to kill.
Sorry to anyone who's game I have listed. I am not singling you guys out these are just examples but The Arcade should be a place for completed games with original artwork. Not project demos, Project tests and marginally modified versions of the free templates provide with the GameSalad creator With or without GameSalads provided artwork.
Don't miss the boat with this one GameSalad. You've got a shot at being the YouTube for Games for sure but if the Games are all incomplete or copies of each other the ship will sail without you.
I think its going to be worse than the app store real quick.
I just played several things at the top of the list and some don't function right one has blatant copyright issues. http://gamesalad.com/game/28338
The information submitted has not been filled out at all.
I think if GameSalad doesn't act fast they will see the arcade turn into something no one will ever go to when looking to play an online Game.
Heres some other examples of things that should not be listed there IMO. They add zero value to the arcade and really make it a less desirable place to go wen looking for some time to kill.
Sorry to anyone who's game I have listed. I am not singling you guys out these are just examples but The Arcade should be a place for completed games with original artwork. Not project demos, Project tests and marginally modified versions of the free templates provide with the GameSalad creator With or without GameSalads provided artwork.
Don't miss the boat with this one GameSalad. You've got a shot at being the YouTube for Games for sure but if the Games are all incomplete or copies of each other the ship will sail without you.
Cheers, Weswog
Cheers, Weswog
Then you can choose to list the games by rating, date added or number of plays.
Probably better for GS if they don't have to spend time on approvals etc. So being community monitored might be better. i.e forum members can flag a game to be taken down and if it gets a certain number of flags it gets removed. Or GS get notified and they take it down.
1) The GameSalad team does not need another responsibility.
2) If it is not there for us users to use for our benefit as we see the need (ie testing, sharing templates, adding special things to our own websites, being able to offer our apps, whatever state they are in, to third-party websites, using it to show a completed app for hire (in order to get paid), etc.) then the whole HTML5 benefit is really a sham to benefit GameSalad's arcade, not the users.
3) Not all HTML5 code needs to be a game.I was talking with someone today. They want a special "app" on their website. I could knock it off with GameSalad in no time, but does it fit in the "arcade" model? Nope. But that's the only way to get it on their website. Do I need to look elsewhere? Flash perhaps?
tshirtbooth - Good idea. A test area, but also a "stick it here so you can use it where you need an HTML5 app" area so it is usable by the programers without regard ability, purpose, or function. That is what a feature should be.
I think its a bit early to write off HTML5 as a sham to benefit GameSalad. Its a huge benefit to US as well. I mean look here. http://www.facebook.com/AppSoluteEntertainment?sk=app_163322353734365. Because of the HTML5 and GameSalad I have a lite version of my Game Playable as a Facebook app right here on my Companies Facebook Page.
HTML5 has some huge benefits for us as well as them. GameSalad just has some areas they need to improve on it. And history has shown normally they will somewhat take things in a direction we as a community want. They are just slow moving about some of it.
AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
AppSolute Entertainment on iTunes
AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
AppSolute Entertainment on iTunes
I agree with you completely. I do not believe it is a "sham" for GameSalad benefit. It's great. But it needs to serve more than one purpose, and as you pointed out, the Arcade does not serve all the purposes it needs to. (If indeed the Arcade is intended to be come a monetized showcase)
When you upload an html5 app you could get 3 options a-la-youtube
1. Public - it's in the arcade and everyone can see it and it's listed
2. Private - it's uploaded and can be viewed by anyone I give the link to, but it is not listed publicly in the arcade list
3. unlisted - only I can view it when I am logged on
There could still be some form of quality control for option 1 to keep it inline with how sites like newgrounds operate......but if it is really going to be the youtube of games, then maybe there will be NO quality control, in the hopes that, as with youtube, the popular stuff rises to the top, and the chuff disappears.
That would be great. One thing though you have a little off on your description though. Unlisted is only those with a link and private is on you and specific users you add to the list. But yeah the youtube Method of options would be great.
Oh and then anything set to downloadable would show up in the Creator new listing that way we could still search them there.
Great idea.
I'd love to be able to remove those half games.
Would be a lot more work for some people, but would get rid of a lot of complaints IMO.