How do I create a provisioning profile?

I'm new to all this so bear with me. I'm going through the publishing process for the first time and it says I need a provisioning profile. I made the apple developer account nowhere on the site can I find the provisioning portal I keep hearing about. If someone could just link me to it or explain how to get there that would be wonderful. Thank you.
If you for some reason didn't use Viewer throughout your development then I guess you are going to go srtraight to distribution. 1. Go to dev center. 2. Click provisioning. 3. Create a new profile under "distribution" tab.
For more detail search YouTube for "Creating and editing your iTunes Profile" or "working with provioning files". These were both done by the great people here at GS.
By the way I just did all this crap today. I about pulled my hair out trying to figure out the AdHoc stuff. I seriously didn't know jack about 3 months ago, I literally learned everything from YouTube videos, GS cookbook, and these awesome forums. Sorry no one got back to you sooner, people are generally quick to respond to questions and it's Sunday too so maybe tmrw people will be more available. Good luck man
Nevermind searching youtube, here are the videos.