New - Button - Physics Based Puzzle Platformer

Hey guys this is my game (BUTTON) that I have been working on for the last number of weeks. Hope you like it as much as I loved creating it..I loved the whole process (...besides the annoying memory issues that somehow evaded themselves from me for ages.. Haha.)
App Description:
This immersive and addictive indie physics puzzler takes you into the delightful world of a button, some chalk and a load of strangely obstructive masking tape. Using your finger you must chalk up a guide for the button to travel along, ushering it to reach the goal of each level, though along the way be careful to gain enough momentum else failure will ensue. Marinate yourself in the user experience of Button and free your imagination to expand out far and wide, like peach coloured gum stretched between two school desks. As you play feel free to think of nice things like: water ripples, cheesecake, fresh plums, half frozen cordial, juicy watermelons, a sideways cap upon an old man's head, cellar doors, two otters arguing, aqua blue aura's or the smooth forehead of a fish - of course you could simply just play thoughtlessly instead.
iTunes Link:
And below here I have the initial preview/trailer, though the game is out NOW before JULY as it states. Thank you, feel free to PM me or comment, and/or drop me any feedback, suggestions, random statements, kiss my hand, spit on me, hell...however you express yourself, etc...

App Description:
This immersive and addictive indie physics puzzler takes you into the delightful world of a button, some chalk and a load of strangely obstructive masking tape. Using your finger you must chalk up a guide for the button to travel along, ushering it to reach the goal of each level, though along the way be careful to gain enough momentum else failure will ensue. Marinate yourself in the user experience of Button and free your imagination to expand out far and wide, like peach coloured gum stretched between two school desks. As you play feel free to think of nice things like: water ripples, cheesecake, fresh plums, half frozen cordial, juicy watermelons, a sideways cap upon an old man's head, cellar doors, two otters arguing, aqua blue aura's or the smooth forehead of a fish - of course you could simply just play thoughtlessly instead.
iTunes Link:
And below here I have the initial preview/trailer, though the game is out NOW before JULY as it states. Thank you, feel free to PM me or comment, and/or drop me any feedback, suggestions, random statements, kiss my hand, spit on me, hell...however you express yourself, etc...

Otherwise its good.
Appster - List New GS Games Here
Your response is appreciated.
-.-- --- ..- .-. / -.. . ... -.-. .-. .. .--. - .. --- -. / .. ... / .... .. .-.. .- .-. .. --- ..- ... ? / ---... -..
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Thank you for finding my description hilarious and ":D" to you too..
Build a morse code app. there you go.
I didn't think you could have an actor go smoothly down a hill and 'curve'...
nice job though !!
Thumbs up...Totally should make an app like that
I am part of the community and use GameSalad, but this game is coded mainly in C.
You'd probably only want games on there that are pure Game Salad I imagine?