About Game Center graphics...
Hi there!
I almost finished my new game and i'm putting game center in my game...
My question is, what graphics do i need? i mean login windows, leaderboard windows, etc...
Do i have to make the graphics (or take it from the gamecenter template) or i just have to insert the behaviors (so the graphics will automatically be spawned by the game center server)
Thanks guys
I almost finished my new game and i'm putting game center in my game...
My question is, what graphics do i need? i mean login windows, leaderboard windows, etc...
Do i have to make the graphics (or take it from the gamecenter template) or i just have to insert the behaviors (so the graphics will automatically be spawned by the game center server)
Thanks guys
The only thing youll need is buttons (if you want) for show leaderboard and log in and all that.
and as for the gamecenter images in the templae, you can only use them if there is no green felt or gold border around them. otherwise apple will reject your app
Cool, so the game center app will show all the graphics? yeah!
any achievments have to be done locally in your app till we get them
With *** Sandbox *** text
What Sandbox is???
And is it normal that i can't show the leaderboard in the AdHoc test app?
thats good, sandbox means your in test mode and you cant test posting your scores and all that
and as long as u have the show leaderboard behavior in a button or something youll be able to test that too