Controls for iPod Touch/iPhone

So I know that things such as arrow left and a would correspond to a d-pad on the iPhone or iPod Touch screen. But is the D-pad automatically on the iPhone? Or do we have to enable it somehow? I am developing my game for the device and excitedly awaiting the new version of GameSalad which lets us preview on our devices. (Please say it is here by September!) Any help much appreciated, thanks.
So I know that things such as arrow left and a would correspond to a d-pad on the iPhone or iPod Touch screen. But is the D-pad automatically on the iPhone? Or do we have to enable it somehow? I am developing my game for the device and excitedly awaiting the new version of GameSalad which lets us preview on our devices. (Please say it is here by September!) Any help much appreciated, thanks.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Also, just double checking, the up, down, left, right keys on a keyboard correspond to the D-pad dont they?
EDIT: Found it in the very helpful Wiki! Keep adding to it, its great!