HUD - Scrollable turned off, but actor does not display

micksolomicksolo Member Posts: 264
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Seem to be having a simple problem in my game. I've done the same thing in other games to make a HUD and its worked fine. Made a layer, put my HUD actors in there, turned scrollable off, placed them on the level. But this time the actor HUD does not display at all in the viewer.

When I turn scrollable on you can see it, and it works fine (but obviously does not stay on the screen for long).

Anyone come across anything like this?


  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    I have not checked but I t might be the where you placed the actors for the hud in the scene. When you build the scene did you place the actors in the lower left corner? If not I think it might be the problem as I think it is where the camera originates from, and will take the un-scrolling actors' positions relative to it.

  • micksolomicksolo Member Posts: 264
    thanks old kipper! That worked. The camera starts slightly off screen, when i moved it to the very left hand side it was back on screen.

    Cheers mate!
  • micksolomicksolo Member Posts: 264
    thanks old kipper! That worked. The camera starts slightly off screen, when i moved it to the very left hand side it was back on screen.

    Cheers mate!
  • chicopchicop Member Posts: 263
    AArgh i wish that worked for me.

    Even when i create a new layer drop actor in and turn scrollable on off i get this bug. Any other solutions?

    im still in 0.9.7 does 0.9.8 fix this issue by any chance?
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