Just saying Hello

Hey everyone,
My name is Qusai Barakat, I'm 24 years old, and a Lead Designer at an agency in Ottawa, ON.
I've always wanted to design games (video games are my biggest hobby) but never had the coding knowledge to do so. I was reading IGN about a week ago when I read the article about GameSalad and thought it was the perfect chance for me to take my design skills and test the waters in game design for the iPhone.
My friend and I created this site: http://www.styab.com/ where we'll post our progress with the games we'll be creating in GameSalad and I'll also be posting some design tips for people looking for How to's in Photoshop. The site will be quiet for the next month though because I'm just wrapping up a project I'm working on at the moment.
You can check out my design portfolio site at:
http://www.qusaidesign.com/ (Very outdated, that was the portfolio I used to get my first job, and it's being redesigned at the moment as well)
http://www.qqusai.com/ (Little snippets of my work here as well that are a little newer)
If you have any questions for me just let me know and I hope to get to know this community better in the months to come as I'm planning on coming here often during the development of our games.
My name is Qusai Barakat, I'm 24 years old, and a Lead Designer at an agency in Ottawa, ON.
I've always wanted to design games (video games are my biggest hobby) but never had the coding knowledge to do so. I was reading IGN about a week ago when I read the article about GameSalad and thought it was the perfect chance for me to take my design skills and test the waters in game design for the iPhone.
My friend and I created this site: http://www.styab.com/ where we'll post our progress with the games we'll be creating in GameSalad and I'll also be posting some design tips for people looking for How to's in Photoshop. The site will be quiet for the next month though because I'm just wrapping up a project I'm working on at the moment.
You can check out my design portfolio site at:
http://www.qusaidesign.com/ (Very outdated, that was the portfolio I used to get my first job, and it's being redesigned at the moment as well)
http://www.qqusai.com/ (Little snippets of my work here as well that are a little newer)
If you have any questions for me just let me know and I hope to get to know this community better in the months to come as I'm planning on coming here often during the development of our games.
- Alex
Target Practice Template
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