My Slimline Games saga continues
Regular readers will remember a few weeks ago how I had to have a word with this guy, about using the space panda song in his re-publishing of the template.
At the time, he said he would remove the song, and re-publish without it.
I informed my publisher (I am a musician by trade, and am published), and I also reported a violation via apple.
Apple never got back to me, but he assured me this would happen, and sure enough, the game was unavailable for a while, and I had assumed all was well.
Imagine my surprise tonight when I have a quick browse of his stuff in i-tunes to see a new v3.0
One of the main changes is : "Fixed Soundtrack"....
which got me intrigued.
So I bought a copy
and guess what??????
That's right, he is about to feel the full force of my wrath!
At the time, he said he would remove the song, and re-publish without it.
I informed my publisher (I am a musician by trade, and am published), and I also reported a violation via apple.
Apple never got back to me, but he assured me this would happen, and sure enough, the game was unavailable for a while, and I had assumed all was well.
Imagine my surprise tonight when I have a quick browse of his stuff in i-tunes to see a new v3.0
One of the main changes is : "Fixed Soundtrack"....
which got me intrigued.
So I bought a copy
and guess what??????
That's right, he is about to feel the full force of my wrath!

we dont take to kindly to his type 'round here
metaphorically of course
He is obviously not the brightest, if he thought I wouldn't check.
I guess apple put it back up for sale...........yes, of course.
Carry on.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
My publisher sent a fairly passive aggressive email...that's about as far as I could go in on him this time around.
oh well.....maybe everyone else should badger him a bit about all the template re-pubs on there.
I noticed he has an app called "the blob" which is just a really really old tech demo of firemaple's (I think....or maybe it was t-shirts). Just pointless clogging up of the app store.