Replace image bug? GS 9.5

EOSEOS Member Posts: 74
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I recently tried to replace each of my actors' images with new artwork, but now all the actors are simply white squares.

I tried duplicating actors and changing the image again, which did not work.

I finally recreated one of my actors from scratch, added the new artwork and it worked...

Do I have to recreate an actor from scratch each time I want to replace its artwork? I'm not trying to change it in-game, just wanting to replace the current artwork which was meant as placeholders.


  • EOSEOS Member Posts: 74
    I'm bumping this cause I've found other similar posts without any responses. Anyone know what is causing this or possible work arounds?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    No you probably have something in the name of the files that is capitol on the old ones and not on the new ones or the other way around. when you replace images you have to replace the files with exactly the same name. Ex. image.png, Image.png, image.PNG are looked at differently by the device.
  • EOSEOS Member Posts: 74
    Thanks for the reply tenrdrmer.

    I double checked what you suggested, however because I am replacing image files with completely different names (ex: replacing jewel.tif with data,png, already imported into the 'images' window) I don't think the program is confused about what file I want. Plus new images show up just fine in the actor window - it is only when the actors are spawned in-game do the images not show up properly.

    After some experimenting I realized that replacing png's with other png's worked fine, but replacing .tif's with a png caused the actor to simply appear as a white square.

    Any ideas why this might be happening?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Ah I see. Not fully sure why but you should always import as .png to avoid a conversion and apparently this issue. I'll forward the link to this thread on so they know about it.

    The only time I will not use a png is if I have it save as a .psd. GameSalad coverts .psd to .png with no problems.
  • EOSEOS Member Posts: 74
    Thanks for the help tenrdrmer. I wish I had used png's to begin with instead of tifs, but I didn't really know what I was doing when I started this project.

    Like uptimistik, I also didn't realize you could just import psds - thanks for the tip, thats a huge help!
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