Actor Behavior for Accelerometer game

jbrown2177jbrown2177 Member Posts: 66
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
As I've been posting about this for a while, I'm still working to get the right behavior for my platform actor. I want it to function like a tilting platform which uses the accelerometer (iPhone) and key presses (web). One problem I've run into is to have the platform snap back to an idle position if a key is not pressed. So far I can press left and right and it will lean at an angle to both sides respectively, but when the key is not being pressed it remains still in the last position. What movement action or command will make it snap back to it's original location?


  • jbrown2177jbrown2177 Member Posts: 66
    It didn't work…what behavior in that set should I use?
  • jbrown2177jbrown2177 Member Posts: 66
    That's the problem which behavior should I use to make it snap back to it's neutral position? It's basically an iceberg that can tilt, but I haven't added a platform for the main actor to be able to stand on it yet…and what I intend on doing is have it bare the weight of that actor causing it to see-saw. But using the key for the web version I'm trying to have the iceberg platform snap back into the neutral position when no key is pressed.
  • jbrown2177jbrown2177 Member Posts: 66
    For GameSalad to require no programming you sure use a lot of other programming sequences. Disregard what I said earlier about the neutral position. What I have to do is create the other actor and see if the weight of that actor will cause my platform to shift. But before that I guess I will have to make the iceberg actor able for something to stand on top of it.
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