Hi everyone.. I'm doing a game that I need a little help is how can I make the actor N to after collect 3 of the actor E then it show Level Completed scene, help thank and appreciated...
create a game attribute integer values 3 when actor N collide with actor E (or if define with Tag E): destroy actor E , game.attribute = game. attribute -1 When game.attribute = 0: level complete
Hey this didnt quite work for me what am i doing wrong? So i make an attribute with the value of 3,than have the rule of when N over laps or collides with E,Destroy.Than change attribute to game attribute to game attribute-1
make a rule in the actor N when actor overlaps or collides with actor E
-change attribute itemscollected to itemscollected+1
then make a rule when attribute itemscollected is greater then or equal to 3
- switch scene or do whatever
when actor N collide with actor E (or if define with Tag E): destroy actor E , game.attribute = game. attribute -1
When game.attribute = 0: level complete
When actor overlaps or collide with actor N
game.attribute = game.attribute -1
destroy actor E
and another rule must be
when attribute game.attribute = 0
change scene / whatyouwant