Is there a limit to simultaneous sounds?

alkexalkex Member Posts: 38
I'm working on a pretty intensive audio app that is timing critical. I'm considering launching all 96 of my sounds in a loop and changing the VOL of each one to simulate their triggering. They are very small samples (about 20k each).

Before I create my 96 volume attributes, I was wondering if anybody had tried and tested this.

I know the logical approach would be to play them only when needed which I have tried but I loose performance and it wont work if they aren't sequenced properly.

I'm not sure how an iphone handles things audio wise. If the samples are effortlessly looped by the audio hardware once in memory then it would appear to be less intensive than loading them on the fly... I could be wrong

Thanks for your insight! :)


  • MetzoPainoMetzoPaino Member Posts: 195
    I don't have any advice for you, but I'm really interested in sound based apps so let me know how it goes!
  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    Dunno about 96 sounds but I have around 8 or 9 playing at the same time during the game. And at the start of the scene I trigger about 20 silently. That's to make sure the game stays running smoothly and the audio plays as it should without lag.

    It all runs fine although we've gone 3gs and above (arm 7)

    Even if the file is only 20kb when compressed it will take up more than 20kb of RAM.

    The total size of all our audio is 1.2mb but it takes up about 10mb of RAM.
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