Actors collide one way on web and another on iPhone

This one has me completely stumped and I've spent hours troubleshooting. I'm willing to create an upload a demo version for the developers and/or anyone else if they think they can help.
The issue is that the game works exactly as planned on the the web & GS, but doesn't when demo'd on the iPhone.
I have a bomb-type actor that explodes several smaller actors out of it when triggered. These smaller actors collide with elements in the scene. With one 'bomb' spawned on the stage, the exploding actors collide exactly as planned on both the web and iphone. BUT...when there are two or more 'bomb' actors on the stage at one time, the collisions stop working ON THE IPHONE ONLY! The web version works fine with multiple bombs.
Because the GS/web version works, it's very difficult to troubleshoot why the iPhone version won't.
I think there's some sort of GS bug at work here...? Thanks!
The issue is that the game works exactly as planned on the the web & GS, but doesn't when demo'd on the iPhone.
I have a bomb-type actor that explodes several smaller actors out of it when triggered. These smaller actors collide with elements in the scene. With one 'bomb' spawned on the stage, the exploding actors collide exactly as planned on both the web and iphone. BUT...when there are two or more 'bomb' actors on the stage at one time, the collisions stop working ON THE IPHONE ONLY! The web version works fine with multiple bombs.
Because the GS/web version works, it's very difficult to troubleshoot why the iPhone version won't.
I think there's some sort of GS bug at work here...? Thanks!