Dreaming about making a game
I have no programming experience, very little art experience, a little story writing experience, and even less game developing experience...but I want to make a game! My first experience with trying to make some kind of game was with LittleBigPlanet. Anyone else played around with that? How would you compare it with GS?
Like many others, I also thought about designing a game on paper, and then trying to sell the idea. At least I thought about doing that until I read the info on this website: www.sloperama.com. The website is written by someone who works in the game design industry, and just about any dream one may have of making a console or computer game will be crushed after reading it. So, when I discovered Game Salad I was quite happy, since it allows one to make a game and publish it without having to work in the game industry for 30 years before ever even dreaming about publishing a game (like it says on sloperama.com).
By the way, I've been looking for a thread that has a list of things one needs before seriously starting a game, but either it doesn't exist, or I haven't stumbled upon the right combination of keywords yet. An example of what I mean by a "list of things one needs" is how much artwork does one need before seriously starting a game? Several backgrounds? Individual images of moving characters in every step of movement (like running, or jumping, or gesturing)? I think a sticky spelling out the reality of how complex it is to make even a simple game would be useful. If one already exists, many apologies! I have looked. I'm not trying to discourage anyone, but perhaps help impress what the truth of designing a game really is. I saw a thread that briefly mentions how complex it is just to make a rpg style "shop." Reading that got me thinking about how many people, like myself, started out thinking they would make a game, only to discover that the game they dream of making is many times too complex to make (meaning even a simple rpg style game).
Can't wait to try my hand at game design!
I have no programming experience, very little art experience, a little story writing experience, and even less game developing experience...but I want to make a game! My first experience with trying to make some kind of game was with LittleBigPlanet. Anyone else played around with that? How would you compare it with GS?
Like many others, I also thought about designing a game on paper, and then trying to sell the idea. At least I thought about doing that until I read the info on this website: www.sloperama.com. The website is written by someone who works in the game design industry, and just about any dream one may have of making a console or computer game will be crushed after reading it. So, when I discovered Game Salad I was quite happy, since it allows one to make a game and publish it without having to work in the game industry for 30 years before ever even dreaming about publishing a game (like it says on sloperama.com).
By the way, I've been looking for a thread that has a list of things one needs before seriously starting a game, but either it doesn't exist, or I haven't stumbled upon the right combination of keywords yet. An example of what I mean by a "list of things one needs" is how much artwork does one need before seriously starting a game? Several backgrounds? Individual images of moving characters in every step of movement (like running, or jumping, or gesturing)? I think a sticky spelling out the reality of how complex it is to make even a simple game would be useful. If one already exists, many apologies! I have looked. I'm not trying to discourage anyone, but perhaps help impress what the truth of designing a game really is. I saw a thread that briefly mentions how complex it is just to make a rpg style "shop." Reading that got me thinking about how many people, like myself, started out thinking they would make a game, only to discover that the game they dream of making is many times too complex to make (meaning even a simple rpg style game).
Can't wait to try my hand at game design!
But that video is more focused on main stream industry. As for making it as an Indie Dev, and doing a project yourself, you'll need:
A background in Music composition and sound… or money.
A background in artistic imaging (video, graphics & design)…. or money.
Basic understanding of Logic and Workflows (for programming in GS)…. or money.
A background in Business, focus on Marketing and Promotions…. or money.
Games are a vary strange medium compared to other forms of communication. It's a combination of all media (music, sound, art, film, books, storytelling) into a product that is directly affected not only by the creator, but also the viewer.
So to get a project done on your own, you will need a certain level of skills in all media forms, plus skills/understanding of "How Things Work". I'm assuming you want to make games because you like playing them. Well, when playing a game, can you visualize breaking it down into individual interactions that make up the game as a whole?
Then again, on the other hand, if you lack in certain skillsets, money fixes everything.
The marketplace forum here is filled with good artists, sound designers, and programmers looking to work on projects… but most will be looking for paid gigs.
That is the nature of things.
But as far as how hard a game is to make on a programming level, it varies. RPGs are definitely a lot harder then say a shoot-em-up with random enemies, or a small platformer.
So in short, what does it take to be a game designer?…. EVERYTHING
But it can be done.
Making a 'dream' game is one hell of a task. More often, these games are fully packed with features and have high production value. The best tip I can give you to start, especally when learning, is not to be over ambicious. Even a small project take a while to fully develop and polish, so simple is usually the key word. This is really the case when making an iphone game, and even more when using GameSalad.
Yes' I'd love to make an online zelda game or the next Final Fantasy6, but I try to keep most of my project to the minimum required to make the core gameplay good. Believe me, one of my project has been in production for 4 years, a 'dream game' is not an easy thing to finish.
Focus on the core gameplay mechanic on your game before working on anything else. To awnser to your example question, you don't need any artwork to start your game. Plan ahead what you want it to look lke but this is often the last thing you want to do. What if you end up cancelling the project (this happens a lot), you will have wasted a lot of work.
Work with place-holder graphics, or even black squares, and when the game is ready think about the art.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Have you tried RPG Maker? I just heard about it, and am going to give it a try. You could make a game a lot like FF6 with it.
Shoot me an email at popbottom(at)gmail(dot)com
and I'll try and help you out
I've been making games since I was 11 (one of the reasons for the number being in my user name), and I'm 16 now. The journey into game making is tough to get into, but when you finally get your first game published, you're on your way!
If you want any ideas for your games, check out my games! (Hopefully you have a Windows OS somewhere.)
Good luck with starting your career into game making! That's all I can really do to help, but there are some very nice people here that can help you get started.