You need a global attribute "deaths", and another global attribute "showDeaths"
In your main actor in the rule when it dies, change attribute game.deaths to game.deaths +1' and also change showDeaths to 1. then in an actor that you want to display the deaths, use Display Text, and a rule, when show deaths is 1, then display text deaths. And add a timer, in the rule, like after 5seconds, change showDeaths to 0. And in the otherwise section, have it display text, but with just a space in it..
When the player dies:
Change attribute 'attempts' to 'attempts +1'
Save attribute 'attempts' - key 'attempts'
On your screen somewhere have an actor that has a display behaviour:
Display: attribute 'attempts'.
On your first screen, put a load behaviour in an actor:
key 'attempts' - attribute 'attempts'
That should do it.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
In your main actor in the rule when it dies, change attribute game.deaths to game.deaths +1' and also change showDeaths to 1.
then in an actor that you want to display the deaths, use Display Text, and a rule, when show deaths is 1, then display text deaths. And add a timer, in the rule, like after 5seconds, change showDeaths to 0. And in the otherwise section, have it display text, but with just a space in it..
I hope is helps..
EDIT: haha QS beet me to it!
@QS I can only see Display text not a display only behaviour
@cowtechman how do I display text deaths?
Thanks for the replies
I would just like to say your both awesome thank you