Apparently point and click adventures pay really high. They are hard to make so there are few of them and the fan base loves playing new ones. Finding genres where people absolutely must play a new one is key. Also education games can pay out if you do it right. The company that made reader rabbit was bought for several billion dollars.
There is nothing worse than making a game just to make money. If you love for example RPG and you make a Doodle Jump clone, just to make money, you are some kind of prostitute.
TheMoonwalls said: There is nothing worse than making a game just to make money. If you love for example RPG and you make a Doodle Jump clone, just to make money, you are some kind of prostitute.
Just my 2 cents.
I agree, but theres a huge difference between making a truly unique and polished game based on a genre that seems to always do well and making a clone or ripoff of a already successful game.
Mammoth said: Apparently point and click adventures pay really high. They are hard to make so there are few of them and the fan base loves playing new ones. Finding genres where people absolutely must play a new one is key. Also education games can pay out if you do it right. The company that made reader rabbit was bought for several billion dollars.
That's not totally true, the only successful point&click adventure game made with GS is Secret of Grisly Manor. My sales are below my expectations, and as far as I know Escape from LaVille is also not so big success.
BackUpAndDown said: Well unfortunately thats not always true. I've seen a lot of amazing apps flop for no apparent reason.
thats how it is no matter waht you make and how good it is. ITs just part of the luck of the appstore. Do something you like. not something that you think will get you money
BackUpAndDown said: I agree, but theres a huge difference between making a truly unique and polished game based on a genre that seems to always do well and making a clone or ripoff of a already successful game.
But you won't be able to make a nice RPG, if you have no experience in this genre, as a player.
TheMoonwalls said: That's not totally true, the only successful point&click adventure game made with GS is Secret of Grisly Manor. My sales are below my expectations, and as far as I know Escape from LaVille is also not so big success.
Well Grizzly manor made a lot of money. Im sure your games probably make more than the average shooter. So Im not sure that if you just make a point and click game it is going to be a huge success. I feel that people really have to know about the game in order for it to be a success.
Also if you make one make it interesting, not just 'another' point and click. Rich plot, dynamic characters, fascinating items, plot twists, the more interesting you make it the better it will be
FanStudioUK said: @BackUpAndDown yes, it's the first one so fingers crossed!
So far it looks pretty awesome so I'm sure it will do just fine.
Mammoth said: Also if you make one make it interesting, not just 'another' point and click. Rich plot, dynamic characters, fascinating items, plot twists, the more interesting you make it the better it will be
What about art style? I've seen a lot of them that have the same style as grisly manor but since I don't have experience with using stock photos do you think that using a cartoony style would negatively effect how it does?
@BackUpAndDown Of course not, you can take as example the Broken Sword series which are amazing! I love a cartoony style, the thing is you will need a very good artist and a lot of time!
TheMoonwalls said: That's not totally true, the only successful point&click adventure game made with GS is Secret of Grisly Manor. My sales are below my expectations, and as far as I know Escape from LaVille is also not so big success.
When it comes to style you have to make sure it fits with the greater concepts of your game. Portal wouldn't work in a jungle and call of duty wouldn't work in portal.
That game looks pretty good. You might want to try having a sale to boost sales. I hate doing it too but you can get some exposure by playing with the price.
TheMoonwalls said: It's finished. I started in November, and I finished it about one week ago, but I'm still waiting for custom made music with choirs.
Sorry, I meant "How much money has it made so far?".
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Just my 2 cents.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Stay tuned for Claire Moorcroft and the Lost Castle!
Everything has to fit including style.
P.S. I don't have stock photos graphics :P I consider them as poor. I have hand drawn graphics.