Actors going towards other actors

acvschwartzacvschwartz Member Posts: 5
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
hi, i was wondering how you can make one actor spawn and travel towards another actor wherever the other actor moves? like one actors a bouncing ball bouncing around the screen but how do i get the dog actor to spawn from outside the screen moving towards the ball wherever it goes? thank you.


  • youngster9youngster9 Member Posts: 326
    You can make 2 new attributes called x and y. Then every 0.0001 seconds set the x attribute to the ball's x position. Do the same with the y attribute but with the ball's y position. Then make the dog move to attributes x for x coordinate and attribute y for y coordinate. That should work. Although this is just off the top of my head I don't have GameSalad open to test this. Sorry if it doesn't work.
  • acvschwartzacvschwartz Member Posts: 5
    thank you very much, i will try to work with this method
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