physics also adds to the load of the game as it constantly checking any changes the whole time the scene is on play. If an actor is not moving better turn off physics.
also if you want the actor to be invisible you can uncheck visible unders its graphics attributes and that will save you more then just turning the alpha to 0
JohnPapiomitis said: also if you want the actor to be invisible you can uncheck visible unders its graphics attributes and that will save you more then just turning the alpha to 0
but if you want to display text then alpha is useful
Another helpful tip that I stumbled on a couple of days ago but haven't seen mentioned on the forums deals with the move behavior. If you are going to have an actor move at a constant speed then it's better to use the change velocity behavior at the speed you want, and then make another rule to change the velocity back to 0 when you want to stop. Move is essentially a constrain that checks back constantly on itself and updates speed according to how you set it up.
This is great because it allows you to have controlled speed ups and slow downs and wave movements if you decide to use math. If you aren't using math in your movement, then stick with a change velocity behavior.
Btw. You only want to use move or change velocity if you plan on having the actor collide with another actor. If you have no need for the actor to collide, then use interpolate when possible for your movement because it takes less resources than just about anything else in GameSalad. Interpolate also allows movement of actors that have their physics turned off (an extra bonus in the preservation of performance).
This is great because it allows you to have controlled speed ups and slow downs and wave movements if you decide to use math. If you aren't using math in your movement, then stick with a change velocity behavior.
Btw. You only want to use move or change velocity if you plan on having the actor collide with another actor. If you have no need for the actor to collide, then use interpolate when possible for your movement because it takes less resources than just about anything else in GameSalad. Interpolate also allows movement of actors that have their physics turned off (an extra bonus in the preservation of performance).