What should I do with my funds?

svnsvn Member Posts: 445
I am trying to raise funds to pay for my game's graphics. But my father thinks I should use the funds to buy some art programs, and learn how to DIY.But this is my first game ever. I am torn between my opinion and the opinion of a man with more real-world experience. So I ask YOU, GameSalad: what should I do?


  • creativeappscreativeapps Member Posts: 1,770
    Go with your father and perchase art program. Learn from tutorials it will take some time may be 6-8 months or more but after that you dont have any dependency on others.
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    I would download the free versions(trials) of the art programs you are wanting to use. Spend a month with them, and see if its your thing. Art isn't everyones thing. Some people would rather spend the money on a professional than spend the time on it themselves. Then after a month, I would decide whether you want to continue making art or just hire someone and save time.
  • DoManDoMan Member Posts: 102
    If you are looking for a great, fun, easy to use art program, go for Pixelmator. It is probably a good alternative to photoshop, and learning it isn't so hard. Otherwise go for Acorn.
  • svnsvn Member Posts: 445
    All right, you convinced me. I will go DIY. Just a couple last-minute questions: What drawing programs should I use? And will the Bamboo tablet work with them?
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    I would try as many as you can find. I use adobe illustrator for cartoony/angry birds type games. and photoshop for digital painting/realistic type games. A wacom tablet is definitely compatible with both of those. You can download the free 30 day trial for both of them. And if your a student, you can buy them at a cheaper price.
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Hey mate, there are MANY incredible FREE art apps and also, artists who will work for nothing more than exposure and/or a percentage of sales.

    I'd suggest holding onto any funds you have until you REALLY need to spend them. If you're set on doing the art yourself, but aren't an "artist", find a point of difference and make it stand out... give it a unique style. But most of all, have a brilliant idea and test, test, test!

    In my experience, artists and musicians are extremely easy to find if you have a good idea... coders, not so much (hence why GS is so beautiful!).

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    My Pay-Pal is tenrdrmer(at)yahoo.com ;)
  • svnsvn Member Posts: 445
    Okay, I want to use Acorn, cause it looks good enough, and cheap too( $49 to Adobe's $299), perfect for my budget. Also, I think I'll do Pixelmator too. Are they compatible with Bamboo?
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Never heard of Acorn, but Pixelmator was pretty buggy last time I used it and not very heavy on features. If you want something to compete with PS, go for Gimp. Ugly GUI on Mac, but VERY powerful.
  • SpinningnutmegSpinningnutmeg Member Posts: 107
    I use "Art Board" and "Art Text 2" for vector images and "Pixen" for 8-Bit images...
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    Depends on your talents...

    If you are good drawing... The buy Arts programs, otherwise, hire someone.

  • DoManDoMan Member Posts: 102
    Sketchbook express will not do for making game art graphics. That is for sketching, You will have frusteration. Probably Acorn will suit your needs, packs layer effects (SUPER useful for game graphics) and good filters. Go mac.appstorm.net for good reviews on this sort of thing.
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    And to answer your question…Yes, they will all work with a Bamboo Tablet.
  • 3d103d10 Member Posts: 471
    I dont really agree to that.If that was so easy then everyone would be an artist.Don't get me wrong
    I am giving a general explanation now.
    It depend upon your talents and hard work.Some are Born artists some are made artists and some never really become an artist whatever they do because they may be a technical guy.
    If you are good at sketching and bringing ideas onto your canvas then you should definitely buy the program.
    The best judge is you.What you can achieve you need to know that.
    No use of getting an app without any looks into it to the app store.It really matters.

    Think it yourself.
  • EastboundEastbound Member, BASIC Posts: 1,074
    It will be a long process until you are good at it, but being a capable artist and coder is rare. So while it is difficult, I think it is worth the effort and will open up a lot of opportunities for you to be more successful in the long run. Not having to rely on an artist is a nice feeling, especially when money is too tight to hire a quality one.
  • DoManDoMan Member Posts: 102
    An artist is not a different type of person, but every person is a different type of artist. Figure out what you are good at and manipulate it like mad.
  • olster1olster1 Member Posts: 396
    Download Gimp, open up youtube, search for a tutorial on anything you want. Repeat until you know most of the decent tricks. :D
  • zapposhzapposh Member Posts: 65
    If you can, do the visuals yourself. They are too important to compromise. Not that an artist you do bad work for you, on the contrary, things might look great; but chances are it will not look the way you want it to and feel out of synch with your vision.
  • DoManDoMan Member Posts: 102
    Nyah, Gimp Gimp Gimp. Do not go for Gimp, it's slow buggy and will leave artifacts of WINDOWS all over your art. Go for a more inspired package. Pixelmator 2 is coming out soon, and that will kick Photoshop and Gimp in the teeth. Don't go for Gimp. Poof at the mere thought!
  • svnsvn Member Posts: 445
    Well, okay. I will try the free trial for a month. If at the end of the month my art hasn't shown even a slight improvement, I think I will just hire an artist. Sound like a plan?
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Buy the program, it is a much better idea to do your own graphics, then to have someone else do it. If you good at drawing that is. But even if your not, it's still a good idea, you know what you want, but the person you might hire to do your graphics, sometimes dont know what you want.
    You are the only person who really knows what you want them to look like.

    Good luck!
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    if you are young and have time, buy the program and learn. it'll help you in the long run. If you are developing for profit, hire an artist, it'll gets you where you need to be quicker.
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