should i be creating images 326dpi for iphone4?

I think I may be creating my images in photoshop with the wrong ppi
In a game salad tutorial it says you should create your objects in proportion to a background size of 960 x 640 so it caters for the iphone4. Seeing as the ppi for iphone4 is 326, i have also been creating my images 326dpi. Is this correct or should I creating everything with 72dpi as that's all i keep seeing on forums?
Plus after creating several levels, just realised about the power 2. Does that mean all my ORIGINAL images should have one of the following numbers as their size width or size length? 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1028
That confuses me because a background image (landscape) has to be created 960 x 640 to cater for iphone4, which defeats the object of power of 2. That's if I have understood the concept of power of two.
In a game salad tutorial it says you should create your objects in proportion to a background size of 960 x 640 so it caters for the iphone4. Seeing as the ppi for iphone4 is 326, i have also been creating my images 326dpi. Is this correct or should I creating everything with 72dpi as that's all i keep seeing on forums?
Plus after creating several levels, just realised about the power 2. Does that mean all my ORIGINAL images should have one of the following numbers as their size width or size length? 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1028
That confuses me because a background image (landscape) has to be created 960 x 640 to cater for iphone4, which defeats the object of power of 2. That's if I have understood the concept of power of two.
When you drag the image into the 40x40 actor it may change it's size to 80x80 if it does change it back to 40x40
Power of 2 is to try and save texture memory for eg a 130x130 image will still be the same in memory as a 256x256 because its bigger that 128.
You can still make an image 48x56 retina and when its played on older devices it will be 24x28 just make sure when its dived by 2 that there's no .5
Retina image 43x64 is bad because it will scale down to 21.5x32...the .5 will cause blur.
one question - if i have an image 80 x 80, in game salad I would change the actors size to 40 x 40. Any image i put into an actor I always ensure the size of the actor is always halved. So whatever i size the actor to, is that where i should ensure either the length or width is not of a 0.5 value? to avoid blur?