ZIO for iPhone/iTouch RELEASE SALE THIS WEEK for $0.99!

floydianspiralfloydianspiral Member, PRO Posts: 308
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Happy to announce that my game Zeke in Orbit is now available for the iPhone and iTouch devices as well as the HD version for iPad. It launched today and I'm having a 50% off sale until friday so Zeke in Orbit is only 99 cents!

GS made it really easy to port from the iPad version to iPhone, all I had to do was change a couple of attributes and I had the same game for a much bigger market! GS truly is a great tool and I think this game showcases how you can make truly unique gameplay with this program.

This game is a project I'm working on for my master's of science in game design and I would appreciate any feedback you have! I plan on updating throughout the year with new modes, levels, game center support, etc.

I'm not afraid to state: this might be THE HARDEST GAME FOR iOS on the market...it's simple to learn and the first galaxy is easy but the difficulty ramps up substantially after that, so if you're looking for a challenge...

iTunes link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zeke-in-orbit/id447645400?ls=1&mt=8


  • floydianspiralfloydianspiral Member, PRO Posts: 308
    I've gotten a lot of great feedback from people on the iPhone version of Zeke in Orbit...Haven't heard much from the GS community yet. Have you checked it out? It's only 99 cents through this week and I guarantee you it's well worth the money. It would really help me out to hear what you all have to say!
  • TheMenOfHonorTheMenOfHonor Member Posts: 147
    This looks very original, I've never seen anything like this game, congrats on making a unique game!
  • floydianspiralfloydianspiral Member, PRO Posts: 308
    Update: A kind of whoa-is-me scenario...a reviewer said he got stuck on level 17 and that he thought it was too hard. Turns out one of my nodes on that level behaves erratically (even though its a prototype like the others)...deleted it and put a new prototype on there and tested it within gamesalad and re-exported it to apple on an expedite update approval...turns out I didn't solve the problem and the node still acts up! This never got brought up with my beta testers so I'm very confused.

    I think it's a bug in GS when you upgrade...I submitted both of my original binaries from .93 and everything worked fine, then I updated to .95 and thought I was only missing an image and updated a minor bugfix...turns out my level 17 is completely SCREWED and none of my rules work right, but only for THAT level.

    So I ended up deleting the scene and copying another scene that worked fine and rebuilt the level, did an adhoc version to test and it worked so I sent ANOTHER version to apple hoping for ANOTHER expedited update as no one can get past level 17 as of now : (

    This is a message to anyone who has updated their games after updating GS: check through EVERY SINGLE SCENARIO thru an ad-hoc...GS preview was showing me my nodes were fine and working and it got approved as an expedited update and now I shamefully have to beg for another expedited update because I didn't take the extra step and build out the adhoc to recheck if the rules on that level worked. Sorry that was a long rant but today has been a living hell and it's partly my frustration with GS but more at myself for not triple checking every single thing in a game where every asset is important to completing a level.

    On a lighter note, with a new approval comes new promos so I will probably post 10 of them here when the new (beatable) update is approved.
  • floydianspiralfloydianspiral Member, PRO Posts: 308
    You wouldn't believe what just happened to me, I submitted another expedite review to Apple, but hadn't heard from them all day so I texted my gf and here's story:

    gf: 3 sales for you
    Me: ::checks email:: haven't heard from from apples expedite review...looks like ZIO won't be updated for up to 5 days : /


    "Hello Brendan Wood,

    Thank your for contacting the App Review Team.

    We understand that situations arise which require an exceptional response, however, we have received multiple expedite requests from Brendan Wood within a short period of time.

    We have made an additional exception for your app and will proceed with an expedited review. We wanted to remind you, however, that expedited reviews are provided on a limited basis, otherwise the process itself becomes ineffective.

    Best Regards,
    App Review Team"

    They did this yesterday and had my update in like 2 hours, I have to say, either I wrote the most convincing plea note ever...or steve jobs is a buddha and the iphone is his ether

    NEW PROMOS: The update is processing for sale in the app store right now and tonight I will post 10 promos here as I can finally rest after such a dramatic first release! WHEW!
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