Help! My entire project doesn't work!
Ok, so I was working on one of my projects. I wanted to transfer the data of one actor to another by dragging it into my behaviors. So when i transfered it, i dragged it and nothing happened. It was as if the entire group was invisible. The "drag behaviors here" bubble disappeared though. I just though it was another GameSalad Glitch so I saved and restarted GameSalad. Then it happened. I think Darren had a similar problem. I cannot enter any of my actors! When I click on them, it pops up as the actor on the top of the screen but otherwise, only the resources box disapeares! I hope I can fix this, I worked really hard on my game!
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/Users/rumikhan/Desktop/Dare\ to\ be\ Square.gameproj/rumikhan.gsuser ; exit;
little-mac:~ rumikhan$ /Users/rumikhan/Desktop/Dare\ to\ be\ Square.gameproj/rumikhan.gsuser ; exit;
/Users/rumikhan/Desktop/Dare to be Square.gameproj/rumikhan.gsuser: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
/Users/rumikhan/Desktop/Dare to be Square.gameproj/rumikhan.gsuser: line 1: `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
[Process completed]
Little Mac is the name of my Macbook
There are random actors placed randomly.