Splitting The Revenue Of An App
Hey guys,
I've got a question for those of you who split your profits for a particular app with someone else. So my graphic designer and I were thinking about making an app together and then splitting the revenue of that app. Is their some software that you guys use that will tell you how much a certain app has made over a month's time, that way you can determine how to split the profits? It seems like their has to be an easier way to keep track of that since Apple's financial reports only show revenue by country, rathe than by app. Thanks in advance.
- Alex
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I've got a question for those of you who split your profits for a particular app with someone else. So my graphic designer and I were thinking about making an app together and then splitting the revenue of that app. Is their some software that you guys use that will tell you how much a certain app has made over a month's time, that way you can determine how to split the profits? It seems like their has to be an easier way to keep track of that since Apple's financial reports only show revenue by country, rathe than by app. Thanks in advance.
- Alex
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For software, I like Applyzer. It works well.
Best of luck!
My suggestion to you, if you're splitting revenue, to make it easy, is set up a separate account, and just split it 50/50 after you get paid, or if you're going to publish it under your account, then lower the share your giving to the artist or whomever you're doing the split with to 45% to account for the discrepancy in sales versus financials.
Hope this helps!
@jon & james: Does app annie give reports by app or by country. If they give reports by app, meaning how much money a certain app has made over a month, then I think that will work...correct me if I'm wrong though.
@butterbean: Good advice, if all else fails, I guess I will have to lower my artist's cut to compensate me for the discrepancy in the different reports. When you said "publish under a different account, did you mean publish under a different Apple Developer Account, or is their a way to set up a sub account under my company's name so my company name is still shown to be the "App Seller", but the profits for apps in the sub account are tracked separately then the main account. Hope that makes sense
@everyone: If you have any more advice to add, please do so.
Thanks everyone!
- Alex
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- Alex
Not sure what you mean by setting up a "Sub-account" I know you can set things up so that if you wanted your artist to only be able to track sales, but not see the other info, you could do it that way, and they'll have reports emailed to them, and they can log in and only see sales.
What I meant was you open up an entirely new account, under a company name, and solely use that account for revenue share with an artist, but it would probably be worth it if you were going to publish multiple apps to that account.
I think the easiest and best way is to do the 55/45 agreement, where your artist gets 45% to account for the discrepancy in sales vs actual revenue.
Hope this helps!
- Alex
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Appannine.com reports by app and is free. If you already have apps for sale, check it out. I am sure the reports can work. It's what I use.
To my knowledge, they don't. I think you have to set up a different company, or if you have an app store under your "legal name" then you could open one up a 2nd account under a Company name, or vice versa.
I think they track these through social security numbers and tax ID numbers, so you can't have multiple accounts under the same SS or Tax ID.
Hope this helps, and is not too confusing!
By tax year end, you then have them fill in their info into a W-9 form, then send that to your accountant so he/she can send them 1099 forms, so that they pay taxes on what you paid them, so you're not liable to pay taxes on the revenue share portion. That portion you paid them will be included in your deductions just like any other item you purchase: pens, equipment etc.
Don't take my word for the above, and always ask an accountant's advice, but from my memory that's what I've done for payment to graphics artists etc. If you're ever writing something off ie: payment to graphics artist, and if it amounts over $600 in the U.S, you must have them fill in a W-9, and then the accountant sends a 1099 form their way, because that's income they received, for which they will be liable for taxes, and they will give that to their accountant to show as part of the income they've made for the tax year.
If you're going into a revenue share, make sure you talk to an accountant about it, so your graphics artist, and yourself are clear on the terms, and that they will be liable for taxes for their share.
- Alex
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