In the countdown clock, create a rule that tells it: When attribute"self.Graphics.visible" is True, put in a Pause Game Behavior. In the Otherwise section, put a rule: When attribute "self.Graphics.visible" is False, put in an Unpause Game behavior. And finally, in a third rule, tell it: When attribute "self.Countdown" equals 0, change attribute "self.Graphics.visible" to false, and (optionally) Destroy Actor.
oops just ran into a problem it works when i hit play but if i were to go the main menu then play again it doesnt show up?
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
You have to reset the value for the Attribute in your buttons to return to the menu.
Also svn you cannot change on the fly. Only while editing the actor. If its visible ever you will have to do everything with self.color.alpha
Also svn you cannot change on the fly. Only while editing the actor. If its visible ever you will have to do everything with self.color.alpha
how do i do that?