Touch to Move

ChucklingMonkeyChucklingMonkey Member Posts: 92
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi Everyone,
How would I make a touch to move control. I want it to have if you swipe your finger up the player will jump and fall back down with gravity, swipe down and have the player duck and stay down, tap to the right and move right (but with a normal walking speed), and same with the left. Right now I have a rule that says when mouse button is down, constrain attribute self.position.X to Devices.mouse.position.X and the same with the Y. So wherever I click my character goes. How would I do the stuff that I said earlier?



  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Ok make these attributes.

    TouchX- Real attribute
    TouchY- Real attribute

    Release X- Real attribute
    Release y- Real attribute

    Up-Real attribute
    Down- Real attribute

    so what you would do for the jump, is

    When Touch is pressed,

    Change attribute- TouchX to Mouse position X

    Change Attribute- TouchY to mouse position Y


    When touch is released,

    Change attribute- Game.releaseX to mouse position X
    Change attribute- Game.releaseY to mouse position y

    Change attribute Game.Up- (game.releaseY-TouchY)

    Change attribute Game.Down-(game.TouchY-ReleaseY)

    Then Make a new rule

    when attribute up is (whatever number you want for the swipe, its the distance of the swipe) 50,

    Change attribute- Motion linear y to 300

    Then make a new rule

    When game.down is 50(again, whatever you want the swipe to be)

    Change attribute-self.height to whatever you want the height to be. You have to change the image though so it doesn't look all messed up

    Then make 2 more attributes for left and right. Make them booleans

    Make 2 actors. One called left and one called right. Set them up to where they each equal half of the screensize and put them on a non-scrollable layer.

    So in the left actor

    When touch is pressed, AND game.right is false, change attribute game.left to true

    (otherwise change attribute game.left to false)

    new rule----

    When game.left is true, move, or change velocity to the direction and speed you want.

    Make the same rules for the right actor but instead of left, use right. Just reverse the rules.

    Gravity rule------

    Make sure you set out a separate accelerate down rule NOT in any rules. just drag accelerate behavior on the screen. And the acceleration depends on the gravity you would like.

    Hope this helps, let me know if I did anything wrong, its late here so I might be tired and confused!
  • ChucklingMonkeyChucklingMonkey Member Posts: 92
    Thanks. I tried typing it all in but it was really confusing because I'm fairly new to gamesalad. A few Questions...

    - Do I make the attributes in the actor or game attributes?
    - When you say the stuff to do for the jump do I make that all in the actor I want it to jump
    - When you say TouchX is it game.touchX
    - Change attribute Game.Up- (game.releaseY-TouchY)

    Change attribute Game.Down-(game.TouchY-ReleaseY)
    can you clarify this part.

  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Yes all of the attributes are game attributes. The jump rules are IN that actor. TouchX is game.touchX. I just didn't feel like typing it out. all of the attributes you make should say game.(name of attribute)

    Let me know if you have any more questions
  • ChucklingMonkeyChucklingMonkey Member Posts: 92
    I did everything you did and it dosen't work.
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