Bug??--Collide behavior broken in HTML5

artmonkeeartmonkee Member Posts: 7
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I created an Asteroids/Space Rock game that plays as it should in GS Creator and as Mac app..however, the Collide behavior does not seem to work properly under Web Preview and HTML5.

This 'bug' seems to happen even in the Space Rock Template so I don't think it's just on my side.

Can anyone else replicate and/or confirm this issue?


  • ARC_GamesARC_Games Member Posts: 78
    I was having a similar problem a while back, with my collisions not working in the web preview with HTML5, even though they collided just fine in the GS Creator preview. I can't even test to see if this still happens now because with the newest release, GS completely crashes when I try to open my project in the web preview (probably because some of my actors/images are larger than 512x512 which seems to be the limit for HTML5). oh well...
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