Processing for App long?

how long does it take for "Processing for App Store"? My latest game PoGo Cat is out of "in review" and has been in "Processing for App Store" status for 6 hours now. my other games did not take that long....anyone else have this type of wait?
my game was rejected yesterday, I've resubmitted and its now gone straight into 'In Review'.
How long can it sit 'In Review' for?
it depends on the game/reviewer and probably about a million other things. it could be an hour or a week.
Well it initially took 9 days for my game to move to 'In Review', and then was promptly rejected.
The resubmitted version was shifted back into 'In Review' stage after about 5 minutes! But now, 3 days later, its still 'In Review'! Grrr!
In any case, we wish you the best of luck in your review! Sometimes if the reviewer likes the game, he/she will continue to play it for fun and pretend to still review it