Hey Darren ...how does it end? does it "know" that there are no more moves to make ....or do i set it up to have so many matches before it goes to the next level?
also can the actors "fall" into place instead of just randomly change images after a match is made?
for those of us that are still learning.... can we have notes on how to mod it? ex: to make a portrait game ..."do this and this". to make make larger tiles to match ...."do this and this" to add another type of cookie to match(or what ever )...."do this and this"...and so on. thanks
Hi, the 1.1 update has been sent out to everyone who purchased. The emails were sent through to your email address used for PayPal. If you've still not received, send us a mail and I'll re-send: sales [at] deepblueapps [dot] com.
Darren, i'm trying to get this to work on the iPad. Some of the touches don't work right or work strange. For instance, if i have 3 cookies, like 2 vert and 1 horz (looks like L rotated 90) if you click on the bottom one it doesnt register but will register when you click on the top right. IDK if that makes sense or not, I changed any numbers that i thought would be needed changed to reflect the iPad size. any ideas????
What you see is what you get including all the nice art.
Wayne will put it up later on tonight or 1st thing in the morning UK time.
also can the actors "fall" into place instead of just randomly change images after a match is made?
You can set it up for a certain amount of matchs or use a score system to determine level over.
Thanks to all who purchased and don't forget if you haven't picked it up yet the £10 offer is for this weekend only.
From Monday it will be £40.
When you get a match of say 5 yellow cookies it counts 5 cookies so you could just add the score there....easy.
You can now see a visual hint if there's a match and also a boolean to say if a match is possible.
will the people who purchased it earlier get free updates?
All of our templates and tools are available now on the Deep Blue Apps Web Site.
I send you the trailer!
Grab it while it's cheap.