Zombie Vs. Ninjas available now!!! (PROMO CODES)

MattVolletMattVollet Member Posts: 86
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Hey all, my first "real" game was just accepted by the iTunes Store! It's called Zombie Vs. Ninjas and it is an arcade shooter in the vane of Geometry Wars (though about 1/1000 as good)

I'll add some codes and would love some reviews and feedback! Thanks everyone!!!





  • MattVolletMattVollet Member Posts: 86
    Oh yeah.. I forgot how lazy everyone is. haha.

    It just got approved so it isn't searchable yet, but I'll update the post as soon as it is!
  • MattVolletMattVollet Member Posts: 86
    I was just giving you a hard time ;)
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Nice game, and great name, but I would change the price point to .99c :)
  • MattVolletMattVollet Member Posts: 86
    Yeah I have 2 others at .99 and I was just testing the 1.99 waters, I'm sure it will drop soon.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Cool, congrats on your first Gamesalad game! :)
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    Haha. Great game, and I guess great minds think alike, I've got zombieS vs ninjas reserved in the app store. It was the original name of Z is for Zombie, now it's for a spinoff game :)

    1 suggestion, animate those players in the game. Make them walk instead of float. It will make the game look and fell 100x better. My first game had the floating people, after I animated it, it improved the game a ton
  • MattVolletMattVollet Member Posts: 86
    Mulcahy, thank you so much for giving my little game a try. You're definitely a huge inspiration to Zombies Vs Ninjas and even more so some of my other ideas I have floating around.
    Thanks a ton for the suggestion, I will work that into the first update!!

    Thanks again,


    PS: congrats on F is for Falling being featured wherever I read it was featured earlier.
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