Application failed codesign verification.......Please Help!

When trying to upload my game through application loader im getting this error "Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate.
I've tried everything and I can't get it to work. Ive tried different things on the forum. I've even went through and deleted all of my certificates and created new ones and it still doesn't work. I don't know what else to do. Can somebody please help me?
I've tried everything and I can't get it to work. Ive tried different things on the forum. I've even went through and deleted all of my certificates and created new ones and it still doesn't work. I don't know what else to do. Can somebody please help me?
Need to downgrade or get a copy of the old application loader
Do i need to delete xcode off my machine then download the older one?
JumpBox I think we're having the exact same problem. I downloaded the new xcode and had to change the bundle identifier as well.
I just went through and created all new certificates so I don't know why its giving me this message. Has anybody had this problem?
Use distri key if uploading.
The only other thing i can think of is to back up my files and then just restore factory settings on my computer. Then I guess I'll just start from scratch.
It *MIGHT* help. I guess I need to take a closer look at Xcode, but I doubt it'll do anything for me. I'm going to do a little more troubleshooting tonight if I find the time. I'm hoping it's an issue that is resolvable on GS's end, because I do have the proper certs & provs installed, but I am just about out of options and nearly ready to throw my hands up in the air and give on my dream of publishing my first game. Congrats on your first three, though! :-D If you find a solution, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know what you did right.
In a nutshell, here's what I did that I think helped:
Days ago, after revoking and removing everything (for the 94th time) in sight from both my Provisioning Portal and Keychain Access' "My Certificates," I created yet ANOTHER unique App ID, and all-new pairs of Dev & Dist Certs and Provs on the portal. Installed them all on my computer & iTunes... ONCE.
Now I don't know if this is a GS thing or an OSX thing, but even though I did everything very methodically and only once, I noticed that I still had multiples and/or duplicates of some Dev & Dist Certs showing up in my Keychain Access. I deleted all except the most recent Developer and most recent Distributor, according to expiration date.
Published again to GS with the SAME Distributor Cert I'd been trying & failing for days, feeling like I was wasting my time. Bam! It worked!!!!
The thing that kills me is that the Dev & Dist I finally successfully used in my keychain HAD ALREADY BEEN THERE FOR DAYS, properly installed and everything. What I had to do was delete the unused/older multiples & duplicates. And, for me, this worked. But holy cow, it should NOT have been that difficult to troubleshoot....
so please help
2.delete my provisioning profile
3.deletet it from the keychain
4. then i did tshirtbooths guide again
link to my coming game (trailer):