Good luck to all Macworld contestants!
I just wanted to say good luck to all contestants in the macworld comp. Everyone has such great games, and it's great to see a game dev community with so much talent and promise!
Good night!
Good night!
I failed due to time restrictions but it was a nice kick-in-the-butt to get jumpstarted in GameSalad. About 7-8 days ago, I was like, I should try and enter just for the exposure but this last weekend got used up for other things. :-( But still, I'm about 90% done and a heck of a lot more familiar with the GS tool and game logic than I would have been. At least I will churn out an iPhone/Touch app pretty soon and that was the prime directive.
Are all the submitted games being featured at MacWorld or just the winner (and runner-up(s))?
Edit: Just re-read the contest blog entry. Finalists will be featured. Dang it! I think my stuff was looking pretty good (but rip of an arcade classic). More of a test of GS's capabilities and limits (and mine :-) ).
goodnight johnboy...oh, i mean good luck everybody.
and thanks qsheep for kickin a chef in the butt when he needed
Talking of judging, good luck to all Mac World people - but, as in Highlander, there can be only one!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Good luck to everyone! Amazes me how many awesome entries there are, and how many games are getting pumped out each week!
lol qsheep...that is unless you've watched the heinous, sacrilegious, even apocryphal sequels. in which case, there can be only about 17 at any given time. give or take a few.
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