1 on 1 Project Help With NextGen & Weswog
Did you ever need help on your project and wanted a fix quickly? Well you came to the right place!
We will help you with any project; big or small. We have plenty of time to help you with any of your problems! We are experienced GameSalad members working the software for a long time, looking to help you.
We charge a simple price of $25 per hour.
You can reach us at http://matthewredler.com/gamesaladprojecthelp/
NextGen and Weswog
We will help you with any project; big or small. We have plenty of time to help you with any of your problems! We are experienced GameSalad members working the software for a long time, looking to help you.
We charge a simple price of $25 per hour.
You can reach us at http://matthewredler.com/gamesaladprojecthelp/
NextGen and Weswog
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
I just hope weswog realizes what he has gotten himself into.
Also if you don't think I should sticky then I will pull it down
Cheers, Weswog
I'll be unstickying this when you're done. All the other stickies are by people offering all their services in one place. Plural.
As you and Weswog are offering just one service, it seems out of place.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Cheers, Weswog
You will get $5 off 1 hour of project help when you mention this thread. This only lasts till Sunday at midnight so if you need help at all shoot us an email
Cheers, Weswog & Nextgen
Thanks guys for helping me complete my project!
Hey Everyone, our sale is over but we can promise as long as our service continues to boom, great deals will continue to come
NextGen & Weswog
Absolutely sure I will use their service in the future again!
Thanks a lot for the help guys!
Due to all your amazing support we felt like we had to blow out a new deal
NextGen & Weswog
Hey Everyone, our 2nd sale is over but we can promise as long as our service continues to boom, great deals will continue to come
NextGen & Weswog
I know I have been gone for a while but I am back and ready to help out!
You'll see that we have lowered our rate from $30 to now $25 per hour
Matthew Redler