Arc/Jump Movement
I have an actor that moves 100 pixels to the left or right. But I want to make this a jump, so have got the actor jump images done and it animates all ok. But how do I make it look like the actor is jumping by means of a half circle/arc when he jumps?
I have one other problem though - i have a MOVE TO rule that moves the actor 190 pixels and -190 pixels (left and right). But the ANIMATE rule I have inside this only works when I press the cotrol on screen, I want to make the actor move the full Animated way left or right when the player hits the controller (L/R side of screen) - any suggestions to make the actor move after this key is pressed and ANIMATE. At the moment it moves but the animation only works if the player holds down the TOUCH control.
when self.Motion.Linear Velocity.X > 0
animate right
when self.Motion.Linear Velocity.X <0
animate left
Then under the Actor (Player) it looks for what the playermotion is set to and moves in the appropriate direction. It animates then moves to a position (+190 pixels).
It moves fine but the animation ONLY works when I hold down the touch of the right button - how can I change this to move right (or left) a set way and animated regardless of holding the button down (clicking only once) - Am I ok in using TOUCH rather than MOUSE BUTTON?
And you might want to check to see if "playermotion" is getting set back to 0 somewhere. That might be the culprit.
How can I do it so it moves xxx pixels without stopping and also animated by pressing the touch button left/right, etc
For debugging purposes, how about placing a display text behavior into the "player" actor. Then use the expression editor to show the value of "playermotion". That way, when you test things, you can see just when (and perhaps why) it is being set to something different than you expect.
it is a game attribute as well, should this be an actor attribute?
How about setting playermotion to 2 when touch release?