Australian Dev HELP
Hi all (Long time reader and thank you all for some of your great help)
I'm about to release my first iphone/ipad game.
Here's the thing in Itunes Connect
They ask for an ABN number (Australian Business Number)
My question is if I do not sell in Australia will Apple sell the app in all other countries or will the app just sit there until I submit an ABN.
Thank you in advance for your help
"please move this post to correct section if I have put in wrong"
I'm about to release my first iphone/ipad game.
Here's the thing in Itunes Connect
They ask for an ABN number (Australian Business Number)
My question is if I do not sell in Australia will Apple sell the app in all other countries or will the app just sit there until I submit an ABN.
Thank you in advance for your help
"please move this post to correct section if I have put in wrong"
Unfortunately you must register as an individual business, voluntarily register for an ABN number in the remote chance your app goes mental on the App Store and you make millions of dollars - you get to pay tax!
You cannot elect to not sell in Australia as any income made will still be paid to your bank account and needs to be declared to the tax man.
It's a real pain going through the registration process too, the ATO software only works on OSX Tiger or something like that from memory. Easier to fill out and Fax!
Once you register you will need to fill out the regular BAS Statements if you make any serious money.
Not wanting to sound morose, but it's necessary. Wish Apple would use Paypal!
I'm in Melbourne, you?
The good news is once you have an ABN it shouldn't be a problem next time. oh and yes that registration site is ancient. It told me I needed either explorer or NETSCAPE!!! hahaha
Looks like I will be applying for an ABN right now.
Toby I am in Sydney and I’m like many more that just don’t like paying tax over and over. On the good side it looks like I will buy myself an Ipad 2 and new iphone a claim on tax with ABN plus all other cost that go with been a dev.
Thanks again guys
p.s If you guys ever need a review on an app just drop me a pm
Who knows if you talk to an accountant there are probably other things too like your internet bills etc. Haha maybe you could even claim the depreciation and electricity etc for the room that you make the game in ;p
NOTE: For Australian developers and non-resident GST-registered developers, Apple may not sell your licensed application to end-users in Australia and you will not be paid for any sales of licensed applications in Australia until proof of your GST and ABN registration is provided to Apple.
"to end-users in Australia"
But it does not say anything about the rest of the world.
Im going to ring the now.
dont forget to registar for GSt as well as your ABN (the same form) at the same time as Apple requires proof that you have registered too.
You deffo need the ABN otherwise your "contracts" wont be valid and apple just wont publish it.
Im in the north east suburbs myself - anyone else from Melbourne ?
I have just rang them and they told me an ABN only
I just did the ABN online but never did the GST
email me at and I'll tell you what I did - there is a way to do it :-)
- Damo
So I submited a screen shot of my ABN but I did not register for GST
I got the following email from them after a few hours
We have received your ABN registration information; however, we do not currently have your GST registration information on file. As noted in Schedule 2 of the Paid Apps agreement (Exhibit D, Section 2.2), you are required to have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for GST.
Apple Pty Ltd invoicing itself on your behalf for the 70% revenue plus the 10% GST is conditional upon the Australian resident vendor being registered for GST. Even though you may not exceed the threshold of $75k for mandatory GST registration, Apple requires that you voluntarily register if they carry on an enterprise in Australia.
Once you have registered with the Australia Tax Office ( please submit a PDF to
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us."""
I then emailed them back the following:
Do I really need to register for the gst as I have been speaking to the tax office and they do not require it for less then $75k.
If I do not sell the app in Australia do I need to register for gst?""
They reply:Hello,
You are currently listed to sell your app worldwide, which will automatically include Australia and the GST requirement.
I reply:
If I change it and take Australia off will I need the GST requirement?
In the mean time I registered for GST
They reply:If you remove the option to sell in the AU store, you should not be required to enter the ABN/GST info.
So for all the people in Australia
If you do not wish to get an ABN or Register for GST just remove the tick to sell in Australia
This is going off what APPLE has informed me.
Nice post and very helpful !
Im however for paying the GST just because there are 4 million ios users in Australia and only a handful of app makers - for losing out on 10% of your sales you gaining a ton of exposure and customers.
Not having Australian sales coverage means you lose out on potential customers and the increased exposure you otherwise would have.
Good luck with it all though, cant wait to test out your app!
Hold on - I wont be able to buy it will I ?
Dont worry you will not have to pay!! I will give you some free promo codes to people on this forum as a thank you for the world of knowledge and help it has gave me.