have a rule when actor recieves event touch is pressed: -change attribute tapCount to tapCount+1 --timer in that rule under the change attribute, after 1 second run to completion CHECKED --- change attribute inside the timer and change attribute tapCount to 0
then whenever you want to happen when theres a double tap, have it happen when attribute tapCount=2
Also edited your title to be descriptive, so other people with the same issues can search and find the info
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
Please in the future make your thread title describe what the topic is about. Titles like "question" "quick question" "help" Help me Please" are useless to the community and will likely get you less of a response as people do not want to open threads they don't know what they are about.
Also go ahead and check out the Rules And guidelines Sticky It has some great information on that issue as well as others that will help keep our community a better place.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
No problem, That may have come out harsher that I meant for it to. Things have just been getting worse lately with these little things so I get frustrated sometimes. The Rules Sticky would be a bit more visible to new users If we could get GameSalad to unsticky nearly all of their stickies. Hint, Hint, GS…...
Golly Darn, I love this community. It Worked. I found my issue. I was just adding +# into the to: field in the expression editor, and not finding the attribute first. Yay! Thanks again.
Oh, yeah, john, that worked. But the actor spawns it's own duplicates when dragged, which in turn can be dragged and duplicated, but it's *after* they are created/dragged that I want the doubletap to destroy to be in effect, for the original and all it's respawns, while still being draggable when single-touched...
(I also want them to be only dragged/duped only once, but that's a different thing I gotta figure out)(And also need them to spawn on a non-scrolling layer, but get dragged onto a scrollable layer. If that is even possible, it's most probably very complex codes and "cheating"
<editorialComment>And as usual, I'm being too complicated in my game, but if I did it like everyone else, it would turn out like everyone else's games. </editorialcomment>
have a rule when actor recieves event touch is pressed:
-change attribute tapCount to tapCount+1
--timer in that rule under the change attribute, after 1 second run to completion CHECKED
--- change attribute inside the timer and change attribute tapCount to 0
then whenever you want to happen when theres a double tap, have it happen when attribute tapCount=2
Also edited your title to be descriptive, so other people with the same issues can search and find the info
Also go ahead and check out the Rules And guidelines Sticky It has some great information on that issue as well as others that will help keep our community a better place.
And OK, tenrdrmer. Sorry.
@ JPickard look in the demo, and go into the text actor. You'll see how the display text behavior is in a rule when attribute taoCount=2.
Whatever you want to happen when theres a double tap needs to be in a rule just like that when attribute tapCount=2
(I also want them to be only dragged/duped only once, but that's a different thing I gotta figure out)(And also need them to spawn on a non-scrolling layer, but get dragged onto a scrollable layer. If that is even possible, it's most probably very complex codes and "cheating"
<editorialComment>And as usual, I'm being too complicated in my game, but if I did it like everyone else, it would turn out like everyone else's games. </editorialcomment>