Sprites, Assets, Art Work?
Hi guys,
I expect you have had this question before, and yes I have googled it and found a few free sprite packages, also google imaged it, and loads came up, but I don’t want to create a blockbuster game only to be sued for copyright.
I am after Cyberpunk & Dystopian style assets (to start with)
I expect I will have to create it from scratch in Illustrator right?
What do you do in regards to the art work needed?
PS. Just bought my Mac for GS, get it tomorrow, can’t wait, so many ideas flying around, want to dive straight in and be prepared.
I expect you have had this question before, and yes I have googled it and found a few free sprite packages, also google imaged it, and loads came up, but I don’t want to create a blockbuster game only to be sued for copyright.
I am after Cyberpunk & Dystopian style assets (to start with)
I expect I will have to create it from scratch in Illustrator right?
What do you do in regards to the art work needed?
PS. Just bought my Mac for GS, get it tomorrow, can’t wait, so many ideas flying around, want to dive straight in and be prepared.

Make sure to check out gshelper.com and the cookbook videos!
Graphics should be power of 2 - as in their dimensions should comprise of the following numbers 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024 at 72dpi
So something can be 2x32, or 64x4 or whatever combination.
If you go over these numbers you will take up more memory for your image. For example, if you made a 32x33 image, it would be read as a 32x64 image in memory - bad for performance!
You also have to double the size of the image if you're going to use Retina Display graphics - do a search on these forums for info on that!
As to your question about what art packages to use - I guess you can use a variety of stuff.
Some more info here on actual places you can find graphics: http://gamesalad.com/wiki/resources#media
Or look at Photoshop, Gimp, Pixelmator, Pixen, illustrator etc etc (google them!)
Or Ian has some ready made graphics you can find here: http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=28224
You could also try looking for stuff here: http://marketplace.gamesalad.com/
And there are other people on the forums who offer graphics services you can probably find here: http://gamesalad.com/forums/forum.php?id=34
Hope that helps!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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I have checked out the market place and immediately found some very good scenes, backgrounds etc which come with PSD files for literally pennies. Some talented people offering good work at good prices so shouldn't be too difficult to find some good art work