3 dimension

SlightlyGrimSlightlyGrim Member Posts: 51
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

I'm making a game where I need my character to be able to move around a 3 dimensional box, the box stay stationary, meaning it's just 3 side of the box you can see. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    Like Q*bert?


    Please ask a more specific question.

  • SlightlyGrimSlightlyGrim Member Posts: 51
    yeah, except Id like my character to be able to walk around the box but not go on top of the box.
  • SlightlyGrimSlightlyGrim Member Posts: 51
    I've tried using wall to stop my character walking on the box, few problems. I have to use separate layers and when he moves around the box he either goes underneath the box or on top. I've tried using alpha to fade through onto a second exact image above the play in the layer section but its messy trying to figure out where the rule needs to activate.

    I'm happy to be more specific buts it a hard thing to describe.
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    Interesting. I can't think of a solution myself and have no time to test so I say Bump ;)
  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    Perhaps a drawing would help explain your problem more fully? I 'm still not clear what you are quite saying, but it sound interesting.

  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    I've been thinking about this (I tend to get in a mental loop about questions like this ;)

    What I think you need is (a grid made of) squares in an angle of 45 degrees. (Diamonds)
    These can have the image of an isometric cube.

    Not what you need is one small actor that collides with these diamonds. This is an invisible actor that you can steer around.
    You can think of this as the feet of the actual actor.
    Then constrain another actor (your character) to the x and y of this 'feet' actor with an y offset of half the height of this (character)actor.

    So what happens is the 'feet' actor bumps into the 'diamond' actor but the 'character' actor overlaps partly with this diamond shape.

    Hope this makes sense. I am at my powerbook now and can't make an example.
  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    I think after seeing an image from Q*bert that I understand. You are talking isometric (if I am correct?). Darren did post about a trick fix for this a while back.


    cheers kipper (still unsure he's got it correct...)
  • SlightlyGrimSlightlyGrim Member Posts: 51
    Thanks old kipper, that just want I need. Was on the right lines but just not implementing it right
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