Dollar Origami 3D - #2 Free Education App!
Hey everyone, I know we haven't used GS yet to make some games, but its definitely in the plans. Just wanted to update this great community on what we have been up to.
We have been on whirlwind app finishing, bug fixing, app updating, promotion and review seeking frenzy for a few weeks. We were trying to get ready to make two of our apps free this weekend.
We made Dollar Origami 3D and Balloon Animals 3D free on Wednesday night and they have been rising the charts ever since. Dollar Origami 3D is now the #2 in Education, and Balloon Animals 3D is now #12 in education.
We have In-App Purchases in both, so maybe we can shed some insight into the IAP discussion once we have download and sales numbers over the next few days. Yesterday about 2% of people who downloaded bought one of the In-App Purchases.
Anyways, if you want to grab the apps while they are free, here are the links
Dollar Origami 3D
Balloon Animals 3D
We have been on whirlwind app finishing, bug fixing, app updating, promotion and review seeking frenzy for a few weeks. We were trying to get ready to make two of our apps free this weekend.
We made Dollar Origami 3D and Balloon Animals 3D free on Wednesday night and they have been rising the charts ever since. Dollar Origami 3D is now the #2 in Education, and Balloon Animals 3D is now #12 in education.
We have In-App Purchases in both, so maybe we can shed some insight into the IAP discussion once we have download and sales numbers over the next few days. Yesterday about 2% of people who downloaded bought one of the In-App Purchases.
Anyways, if you want to grab the apps while they are free, here are the links
Dollar Origami 3D
Balloon Animals 3D