Fire and smoke animation
I'm trying to make smoke in my game and I'm not sure how to animate it, just wondered whether anyone new of any links or information on creating smoke or fire animation. I'm also doing it in pixel art style
I'm trying to make smoke in my game and I'm not sure how to animate it, just wondered whether anyone new of any links or information on creating smoke or fire animation. I'm also doing it in pixel art style
Look at my new game Bouncing Birds! on iTunes
Here’s Gameplay Video of Bouncing Birds!
I'm kidding. I'm sure they use Xcode and a few other things.
Well recommended!
I don't suggest you try the fire but I think it it interesting how we did it with a team of folks including a pyrotechnical lunatic with a full licence to handle and set off explosions for film use...
Smoke is pretty cool to make your own and it can be simple and very effective. Ask your grandfather to hold all lit items....
Put up a black cloth or use a dark unlit background. Get a piece of corrugated cardboard and set it alight. blow it out. Film with a video camera. Getting the right effect takes some playing with and make sure you frame all the smoke at the distance you want. Longer and narrow wisps further away. digitise it. either save the frames you want and treat it in photoshop with contrast boost or softening, and then use the frames on black to paste into the selection switched layer (button very bottom of the tool menu). Flip back to standard mode and fill the selection form the fill item in the menu with white. Size the frames as desired with crop, and image resize (this is best done with an action so you get all frame the same and quickly).
I have worked on TV commercials where I did this and it works really well. Often looking far better than CG effect. Doug Trumbull did I believe most of the smoke in Bladerunner with effect done like this or on model sets with beehive smokers.
Fire is more difficult as scale is harder get right. Flashes and short bursts are often just an impression so can be painted but to get things really right....I was involved in some explosions that were filmed and put into an Ad (remember Polo mini mints escaping a factory?) as CG was not wanted by the director. This was is specifically set up so we had explosions that would match in 'with reflections' in a cg model of the factory. we build a black version of the set in perspex after outputting a cad drawing (via max to autocad). The set up a camera in a matching position and lens (still had to matched and corrected in post). had the pyro nutter set of various explosions in position in the black set and filmed it. This was after a very amusing 1/2 hour with posh ad exc.s in a dark studio watching flashes and making artistic criticism of just how they thought is should be.. 'more poof.., less sparkler.. bit more .. you know like dDie Hard...
It is very paper and string in approach but looks great if done with a brain and some eye for scale.