Xcode Or GS
i know that GS is a great tool to make games and its a lot of fun but i hear a lot that Xcode has many more game making tools..My goal is to learn the Xcode programming language and move onto that platform. Eventhough GS is great, Xcode has a wider range of opportunities..What do you guys think??
Of course it has a wider range of opportunities. You learn a programing language (Objective C) and you program in Xcode. Xcode is just the environment, you code in. It is no toolset or something. There are no fancy buttons and such.
GS is also based on Xcode and objective C I assume.
It is made for idiots like me, who can't learn programing.
So if you want to learn Objective C and code your games yourself, I wish you luck. You can do everything then, but it takes time to learn programing.
So I don't want to discourage you, but it would take a very long time to even learn the basics, and it would take much much longer to create a game even if you are extremely experienced.
There are some other "converters" out there that take an HTML5/javascript app and convert it to a native iPhone (and/or Android amongst others) app. Looks promising but you still need to roll your own physics engine, sprite engine, etc. in javascript and HTML5's graphics support (canvas). The bonus is develop once and deploy to many device platforms.
I have always had macs, lived of them in-fact, never really leave my computer, haha. I would like to think GS is a stepping stone into the programming side, as it has helped slightly make sense of some things in the development process. Anyway, I want to learn objective-c! Haha. Currently I am just watching youtube tutorials.
email - ideveloperz@me.com
AIM - ideveloperz
Website with forum - www.ideveloperz.com
itunes university has a whole course on programming for the the iphone sdk including objective-c. it has video and pdf slides taught by stanford university...for free.
there are many other free podcasts on itunes that teach about iphone development as well.