How long did it take you to make your first published game (on the AppStore) in GameSalad? If you have the time, elaborate more in the thread... how much time did you spend? how big was your team?
I am curious, what people will say :-) I didn't vote yet, because I just started trying out GS.
To be honest, I already have all the assets, which were made in a few weeks by 3 people (2 graphic artists and a musician) and now I think, It will take a few weeks to finish it with GS, if it is even possible...
It's hard to quantify it since I easily get bored with one project and start another and then another and then I find something that's cool for the first project and return to it.
That's what happened with my Macworld entry: I sketched it up when I first downloaded GS, then dropped and then recovered. But I think I worked on it a little more than a week. In a game like mine the hardest part is to get the logic to work, then a little graphic and then doing levels are pretty fast.
My first and only GS app so far is Kill the King, and it took a little under a month to make, however I was on christmas break and had a lot more time to put into it.
I did everything except for the title art, which I hired an artist to do.
Both Danger Cats! and Stunt Squirrels took less than 3 weeks each. But it was intense! I didn't work on much else during those times. I do all the art and programming myself, which actually makes the whole process go faster, since I win all the arguments!
It took 12 days for Spellcaster. I would get home from work at 8PM, and develop until 2 in the morning. But the weekends, I pulled about 12 hours straight each day. I was definitely cramming to hit the Challenge's deadline.
Did my contest entry in less than a week. It's no masterpiece but I did everything. The art some drawn and some vectors with cs4. Even Did the music. My background is in music. But I had a couple nights where I did not go t bed. Mostly it was fast becuase of the tutorials and stuff that some of you sou chefs did. I can't thank you Guys enough. Tiny monster was my learn the system game. I have some stuff I am really gonna put alot of time into now though. I didnt wanna dive right into my long time "dream game" first. I'm having so much fun it's insane. I think I could spend more time on my computer than the wow junkies in the old cubicle next to me...(evey office has a few) And I'm actually doing something
A few weeks here for Bugzone, Xmas 2097 and Singularity Drive: Prologue. Smaller apps like Unbearably Wonderful and Black Cat Halloween took literally a day or two.
My main game, Singularity Drive, is 80% done, but I've not had the heart to finish it yet. I will one day. That has taken literally months and months.
I'm building my latest game in a way that will mean it'll become a 'template' for any shooters I want to do. So expect a few more of those over the next few months as it'll get quicker and easier for me to make those sort of games! I'm hoping to be finished before March.
Um it took me ages, doing all the sound, graphics & logic. Maybe I'm a little too much the perfectionist. Yes I probably could have finished sooner but the polish would not be there! Besides I really only get to work on this after the kids have gone to bed. The window of opportunity is a few hours each nite.
Slowness of the app moving between scenes was a killer! Restarting gs often sped things up!
hmm ... i gave up with one of my games... have sent the other to the support... 2 other games are still on hold... the reason is always the same... performance is to slow ... the games are stuttering at least on 1G devices. I hope GS will become a little faster. i know its possible to publish "simpler" games with GS... maybee i should start with one
I didn't vote yet, because I just started trying out GS.
To be honest, I already have all the assets, which were made in a few weeks by 3 people (2 graphic artists and a musician) and now I think, It will take a few weeks to finish it with GS, if it is even possible...
It took me about 5 weeks to make V is for Vortex because it was so complicated.
But, it only took me 7 days to make F is for Falling, about 12-15 total hours
and everything was done by just me.
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That's what happened with my Macworld entry: I sketched it up when I first downloaded GS, then dropped and then recovered.
But I think I worked on it a little more than a week. In a game like mine the hardest part is to get the logic to work, then a little graphic and then doing levels are pretty fast.
Cheers, Weswog
I did everything except for the title art, which I hired an artist to do.
My main game, Singularity Drive, is 80% done, but I've not had the heart to finish it yet. I will one day. That has taken literally months and months.
I'm building my latest game in a way that will mean it'll become a 'template' for any shooters I want to do. So expect a few more of those over the next few months as it'll get quicker and easier for me to make those sort of games! I'm hoping to be finished before March.
Overall... it doesn't take long, does it?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Slowness of the app moving between scenes was a killer! Restarting gs often sped things up!