HELP with stacking objects!!!!!!

habsrule88habsrule88 Member Posts: 8
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi so i am making a game where there are objects stacked, so i have one actor at the bottom but is not movable then i was testing it so i made actor 2 collidable with actor 1 and 2. so to represent gravity i made actor 2 have a movement downwards at "150" (why i did this instead of putting gravity is because later on things are going to stack sideways). i added to actor 2's and placed them ontop of eachother on top of the actor one but when i press preview bot actor 2's bounce off actor 1 and start going crazy knocking into eachother. Any ideas how to fix this?????



  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    sounds like restitution is not 0. Restitution is a fancy word for "bounce" A restitution of 1 means that the actor will rebound equal to the amount of force put in. So if you drop a ball with restitution of 1 then the ball will bounce back up to the exact same height it was originally dropped from. A restitution of 0.5 will reduce its bounce by one half every bounce eventually diminishing to 0. A restitution of 2 will increase in bounce height with every bounce, eventually flying off the top of the screen, unless stopped by a more powerful force.
  • JeffreyShimaneJeffreyShimane Member Posts: 372
    If only GS had called it Bounce instead of Restitution! When I think of Restitution, I think I'm getting paid back for something...

    - Jeff
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