How To Ensure An App's Success

I have recently finished up an app.
Here's the problem, I need it to make a $1,000 no matter what. With a $1,000 all of my life struggles will come to a close, in other words I'll be able to buy whatever xbox 360 game I want off of ebay.
Is this not the American Dream?
So. Does anyone have any advice on how I could make my app generate a $1,000 no matter what?
Here's the problem, I need it to make a $1,000 no matter what. With a $1,000 all of my life struggles will come to a close, in other words I'll be able to buy whatever xbox 360 game I want off of ebay.
Is this not the American Dream?
So. Does anyone have any advice on how I could make my app generate a $1,000 no matter what?
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
You need a great game and luck on your side to get noticed
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The attention span of an iOS gamer is much different than a console one. People will play games for a day or so, and move on to the next thing, because it's so dirt cheap to buy games. It's what keeps that player coming back to the game, and telling their friends, with word of mouth that really helps sales.
Building up hype in T.A is a good idea, but you also have to walk a fine line with that, and start to build the hype when your game is at least half done, because you don't want someone to replicate your game and release before you do!
There are many, many variables to deal with!
I'm scared.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
1) created by a millionaire software house (Rovio was millionaire BEFORE Angry Birds)
2) 100.000$ was the cost of the first version
3) 3 months IGNORED on appstore, than nice sales on Finland thanks to marketing (other $)
There's only one advice I can give you: you must LOVE videogames to create a nice videogame!
EDIT: hahaha Nope Legitimately the same guy. in this thread he posted his twitter name as "JollyJenkins" I really wish GS would let us ban people for multiple accounts. That sort of Shady !@#$% really irritates me.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Anyhow, I do appreciate the advice in aiding my future app. Unfortunately, there is NO guaranteed way to success, though your suggestions will surely help. FYI, as a guy still in his teens a $1,000 is more than enough to cover me, I don't exactly have the same expectations and needs as a grown man with a family.
I won't lie, I do enjoy some tongue and cheek humor, but honestly there are far more damaging things a person can do. Anyhow I'll cease this, as the forum does not approve. Sorry for any misgivings to anyone.
People are constantly looking for homemade goods. Google launched the keyword, to cater to this attitude. The company initiated the use of adwords keyword search things and Search Query Performance Report to find higher performing keywords.
3. Ensure that the advocacy group targeted and relevant.
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If you'll buy your app a 1429 times, your app will make a $1000 - Guaranteed!
Let me know if that worked for you.